Cornwall Partners in Care News
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European Social Funding (ESF) to help Social Care Providers

Expression of Interest for Potential Delivery Partners for grant-funded projects starting Spring 2021 until Dec 2023
Deadline for Response:
If you are interested in becoming a delivery partner in one or both of the proposed project outlined below, please complete the Expression of Interest Form by 12 noon Monday 12th October 2020.
The final round of European Social Funding (ESF) is now available and CPIC and CAHSC are collaborating to build a partnership of social care providers to use this funding to help train existing employees, and to recruit and train new employees.
CPIC and CAHSC have been developing draft partnership proposals with Cornwall Foundation Partnership Trust, Cornwall Learning Partnership, Cornwall Council and others to the following strands of ESF:
- ‘Skills for Growth’ - £3.7M: training employed people on low pay to improve their career progression and supporting small & medium sized companies to improve their practice with respect to workforce development
- ‘Access to Employment / Active Inclusion’ - £5M: training unemployed and economically inactive people to help them into or towards employment
CAHSC and CPIC are seeking expressions of interest from providers of residential care, home care and supported living care to join either or both of the possible partnership proposals as Delivery Partners. Delivery Partners will be able to access grant funding directly, but this will be paid in arrears with possible defrayal periods of up to 6 months. We believe the funding will run from April 2021 to December 2023.
Once we have reviewed your Expression of Interest we will be in touch to discuss the next steps. Please note that we are not able to guarantee at this stage that our proposal will definitely be funded, and the completion of this form does not constitute an agreement, by either party, for delivery. The development of both bids is still subject to the internal governance processes of CPIC, CAHSC and the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Health & Social Care Partnership Academy.
Details of the European Social Fund calls themselves can be found here:
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Skills for Growth concept:
Social Care Academy: Learning for Excellence (S.C.A.L.E)
We aim to embed workforce development capacity in social care providers across Cornwall, complementing College and other existing provision, and giving social care employers ownership of learning, career progression and improvement within a Quality Management Framework overseen by the Health & Social Care Partnership Academy.
We are looking to create shared workforce development capacity embedded in 1-2 Social Care providers in each of West, Mid and North& East Cornwall supporting the learning & development of their own and their peers’ workforces. This capacity might include e.g. administrators, trainers, training managers, and/or nurse managers to conduct observations. The project will build on and strengthen the training provision already in place in care providers, and create new employer-based provision where there are gaps. It will widen access to work-based training provision and fund participation costs (e.g. wages for time preparing, receiving and following up on training) and bespoke / specialist training as appropriate to ensure all who need it can access training.
We are keen to ensure that the training provision is geared towards workers and employers providing home-care and supported living services as well as to residential care providers.
Access to Employment concept:
Social Care Excellence: New Talent Engagement & Development (S.C.E.N.T.E.D)
We intend to establish a work-based recruitment and training platform for social care organisations, building on the Proud to Care and Covid-response recruitment initiatives, with a strong focus on practical experiential learning and clearly defined and supported progression pathways that meet service and business needs and enable workers to progress their careers working with multiple employers.
Dovetailing with an employer-owned recruitment campaign, we intend for new recruits to be supported through a rolling work-based training programme in the geographical area most convenient for new recruits and prospective employers. The training is intended to be responsive to care-employer priorities and encompass:-
- thorough practical (non-academic) grounding in literacy and numeracy relevant to the social care context;
- accredited instruction in practical care skills and knowledge
- work-shadowing and work placements in a variety of social care settings
Where applicable the training will link the new recruits into social care apprenticeships, and participating employers will need to commit to hosting those.